Friday 16 January 2015


Statistics will show that Atheism (mainly Communism) has caused more bloodshed than Religion in the last 100 years! Pol-pot killed 2 million Cambodians. Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jews, 3 million Russians, and 3 million Polish. Joseph Stalin killed 20 million Soviet and German prisoners of war. Moa Zedong's regime in China killed 40 million.

But here's the thing. If you write a book called God Is Not Great & Religion Poisons Everything, you'll sell a lot of books. If you write a book called Christianity is Great & Atheism is Evil, you'll also sell a lot of books. But the truth is that people are people! No matter what segment of society you look at, you'll find good people and you'll find bad people.

Certainly there are people in the news who kill in the name of religion, but just because they kill in the name of religion doesn't really mean they kill because of that religion! The Islamic militants who cut off heads are base murderers! Killers don't really kill because of their religion. Neither does a lack of religious conviction cause someone to commit a holocaust. Religion is a convenient banner for many to carry, but there are plenty of other banners available as well, and if it wasn't religion, they'd do their deeds under some other justification!

The real reason they do their evil deeds is that they're human! And when humans want something, they generally find some way to get it, even if that means killing someone or committing genocide.

Plus, within every walk of life you'll find extremists. And unfortunately religion is no different. In Norway, Anders Breivik identified himself as a Christian crusader and he massacred 70 innocent teenagers! The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, led by Joseph Kony, is a Christian cult which uses child soldiers to massacre, torture, and rape! The fighters wear rosary beads and recite passages from the Bible before battle. In the USA, an extreme Christian group called The Army of God, bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors! Now, is Christianity to blame for all these atrocities? Of course not. Extremism is to blame! It doesn't matter whether you're religious or not, extremism is a human disease. We have extreme movements in nearly every factor of life. We have extreme political movements, such as the IRA. We have extreme national groups, such as the BNP. We have extreme racial groups, such as the Neo-Nazi's. We have extreme football fans, such as the Ultra's! We have extreme sports! We have extreme pornography! We have extreme eating competitions! Etc.

When we look at the bigger picture, we realise mankind faces similar problems all around the world.

But let's also realise where we live, and the narrative we're fed! We commemorate 9/11 every year, but in Iraq they haven't forgot about the gang-rape and killing of 14-year-old Iraqi girl by 5 U.S. Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. Her name was, Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi. After they raped her and killed her, they burnt her body and murdered her parents! It's known as The Mahmudiyah killings. And sadly, there are many cases like this. But here's the thing, why don't we label all U.S. soldiers as murderers based on these atrocities? Heck, why don't we label all Western soldiers as terrorists? Surely it must their cultural teachings? Perhaps it's a European thing? They must have a book, a manual which teaches them to rape 14 year old girls? Must be the Bible. No...? Of course not! Don't be ridiculous. So why the stereotyping with Muslims. Do you see the irony here? Are you getting the point. ✌️#jesuishuman

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