Thursday, 15 November 2012

Palestine and Human Rights



At the turn of the 20th century the world entered into a unique phase of the “industrial revolution”[1] it took a leap in communication from horse carts to automobiles, and the ingenuity of the human race had no bounds. It was capable of achieving anything from the steam powered locomotive to the aeroplane; it harnessed electricity, night was no longer a restriction, nor was the ability to break the frontier that was space, “Man” walked on the moon.[2] With such achievement there was also the mirror image of Man’s darker side, the depravity of “Man”, because he was also capable of annihilating an entire population by a touch of a button, by dropping the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima[3] and Nagasaki; at a blink of an eye, in an instant flash, a mushroom cloud was the visual doom of many souls. “Man” took his cruelty to an efficient industrial scale by exterminating his fellow humans all because he or she was different in colour, race or religion. One such horror that took place on the hallowed land of “Christendom”[4] was that which Nazi Germany committed towards the Jews of Europe.[5] They gave this new theatre a name that will be a symbol of horror and genocide, it was called Auschwitz.[6] The world was no longer isolated it became an “imperial” global village in the hands of the European colonial masters. Even the two major events that were caused by the Europeans and fought mainly on European soil was called World War I & II. The continent that condemned the rest of the world as uncivilised was now the one which also lead in conventions and treaties to civilise the globe from the aftermath of the two Wars.  The next stage of its 20th Century “renaissance”[7] was to establish international norms as the guiding principles for the right of life. They began as treaties[8] and conventions: one was referred as the “Geneva Convention”,[9] another as the “UN Declaration of Human Rights”,[10]and rules as have been incorporated in institutions such the European Court of Justice[11] where articles are the foundations of its principles.

[1] David Taylor Mastering Economic and Social History (London: Macmillan 1st edn, 1998)
[2] “Man” is used in reference to Neil Armstrong’s  famous quote during the Apollo 11 lunar mission “That's  
   one  small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." July 21st 1969.
[3] “Little Boy” was the code name for the first atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima on August the 6th 1945 
   and similarly the second bomb was “Fat Man” dropped a few days later in Nagasaki  on August the 9th
[4] In reference to the term used after the establishment of Charlemagne as the Emperor: George Holmes The 
   Oxford History of Medieval Europe (Oxford University Press 1992)
[5] Jews were target were always a target they were blamed for the plague by Edward the 1st and evicted from 
  British shores in the 12th and 13th century: Sir Maurice Powicke The Thirttenth Century 1216-
  1307(Oxford: Clarendon Press 2nd edn reprinted 1988)
[7] The term is used here to in the context of how “European” ideas were stamped on the world as the leaders 
   of enlightenment. So who better than the same people to “civilise” the world again?
[8] A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law,  
   namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as: (international)
   agreement, protocol,covenant, convention, exchange of letters

The question one would like to address in this topic is why these international norms that were established by the victors of World War II, the nations that talked and still preach democracy and freedom to the rest of the “uncivilised world” have resulted in the destruction and displacement of the indigenous Semitic people of Palestine.[1] The seeds of such prejudice and double standards has its roots embedded in theories that developed in the past and was latter known as “Orientalism”[2] it was sowed in the minds of the Europeans and was begun by the likes of John of Damascus,[3] and later taken up in its violent and physical form, known as the “Crusades”[4] instigated by Pope Urban II, who rallied the knights and vagabonds of Europe to “rescue” the “Holy Land” from the hands of the “infidels”, which they executed to the letter by raping, pillaging and massacring en route to salvation; a legacy that haunts this region even to the present day.[5]
The idea of a European colony in the Middle East in the traditional sense was no longer viable; instead a theoretical ideology that was around for centuries was nurtured and was embraced with fresh impetus. It first developed as religious Zionism in the works of people such as Zwi Hirsch Kalischer whose ideas are the foundations of racial and secular Zionism that was to be developed by such notorieties as Moses Hess and Theodre Herzl amongst others.[6] The Balfour Declaration was the accumulation and accommodation of those thoughts to establish a “European Colony” in the guise of “rights” for the “chosen” race who were to become the victims of genocide in the hands of the Nazi’s. It did not take long for the western world to sing from the same Hymn sheet as “never again” was echoed all around the “civilised world”.[7] The legacy of the crusades was taken up by the United States of America by supporting the new Jewish state in the heart of the Middle East financially and militarily by the biggest economic power at the time as the writer Alfred Lilienthal sums it in the title of his book “What price Israel?” [8]The world turns a blind eye when it comes to the justice and human rights of the Palestinian people. The very norms that were shaped by the creators of the UN declaration of Human Rights, and supposedly the flag bearer of those rights and even at the time of writing these lines used its veto powers in the UN against condemning the illegal settlements in Israel.[9]
      For the purpose of objectivity and sound assessment of the violations of international law committed by the     
      State of Israel the author of this document chose to observe empirical evidence

[1] Arthur Koestler The Thirteenth Tribe (ISBN 978-039440284-0)
[2] Ziauddin Sardar Orientalism (Open University Press 1999) Chap 2
[3] See above p.18
[4] Elizabeth Hallam Chronicles of the Crusades (London: Guild Publishing 1989)
[5] Karen Armstrong A History of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths (London: Harper Collins 1997)
[6] Dan Cohn-Sherbok and Dawoud El-Alami The Palestine Israeli Conflict ( London: Oneworld 2003)
[8] Alfred M. Lilienthal What Price Israel? ( New York:Infinity 2003)

presented by the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.[1] Their ethos is similar to those of Amnesty International,[2] the principles of which are stated on the Articles of the UN declaration of Human Rights,[3] moreover, the EAPPI work with numerous church groups as well as Israelis some of whom are Holocaust survivors.[4] The EAPPI sends international volunteers to Israel and occupied Palestinian territories; they are based there to monitor and report violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. They offer protection through nonviolent presence; support Israeli and Palestinian peace activists; they stand at checkpoints within the West Bank, and the gates of the separation barrier, they try to reduce the abuse of Palestinian civilians and help them gain access to their land, jobs, education or medical facilities and they also offer protection to vulnerable communities at risk of violence from Israeli hard line settlers.
On the 26th of January 2011, Mr Jon Neal and Mr Mike Barnes[5] presented their findings as they witnessed what they observed in a small town in the West Bank called Jayyous. This town is divided by a barrier, an electric fence; land was confiscated for this purpose which was on prime farmland; what was left for agriculture required water permits, to farm the land. Permits were required by the Palestinian farmer to access his own farmland, often permits were inconsistent in terms of duration at the cost of agriculture which got neglected and as a result was ruined. Teenagers who would want to work on the farm lands were often refused entrance, often having to go through security checks stripped fully naked. The same youths would be summoned and questioned in Hebrew courts or recurrently asked by the security service to act as spies or report on any activity in exchange for a work permit as reported and documented by the two observers, “To be a good occupier we have to create conflicts”[6]was quoted. By creating discord between the teens by giving conditional work permits or licences to one farmer and not his neighbour the Israeli government have applied tactics precisely targeted to create conflict and division. The West Bank is under Martial Law whilst the Israeli settlers are under Civil Law, In this alone Article 1-18 of the UN declaration of Human Rights Charter is being violated by Israel.
      Even more disturbing was the fact that the farmland belonging to the farmers of Jayyous was polluted by    
      the raw sewage water that was pumped out of the adjacent Zufin settlement; Mr Jon Neal had the sample 
      examined and tested and confirmed by Beizut University. A demolition notice is not required if you happen 
      to live in what was designated as Area C, in accordance to the Oslo treaty: the treaty may have collapsed  
      but the Israeli settlement tactics have not. 

[4] I refer to a remarkable woman Anna Colombo a 90 year old Holocaust Survivor see. EAPPI as above
[5] I attended this presentation hosted by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign based in Milton Keynes
[6] IDF Woman soldier, Observer 2/8/10

The Israeli government views this as disputed territory and not occupied, hence, avoiding the legal rights that would be entitled to the Palestinians if it was defined as occupied, legal and linguistic semantics are applied to satisfy the paymasters in the west.
There are thirty prisons all around Israel with 8000 inmates and in the course of the last year EAPPI reports that around 300 children have been rounded up including 35 women[1]how many speak Hebrew? How many have representation, let alone the right of movement or any of the rights given to the Israeli’s.
However, let us re-consider this approach from a different perspective and the one that in the opinion of this author is the core reasoning behind the establishment of the “Jewish” state; the one in which if one was to simply deny the Holocaust one is labelled as anti-Semitic[2] and therefore is of racism and discrimination. Surely the one race that has been persecuted throughout history, blamed for the plague in Europe, thrown out (persecuted or uprooted) by Isabella and Ferdinand from Spain[3]in 1492, almost annihilated at the hands of the Germans in World War II, would be sympathetic to the Palestinians, the indigenous people of the land? If we are to consider the Judeo-Christian logic so staunchly applied by the neo-conservative evangelic sponsors of the State of Israel[4] than they cannot deny that Arabs are after all their cousins: they are also the children of Abraham; and if the State of Israel  is to deny the right that belong to descendants Abraham, this is merely because they descend from his second wife Hagar,[5] just like the Ethiopians who have a stronger claim to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba whom are treated mildly better than the Arabs[6] 
If all the argument presented thus far fails because it is emotive or “bias” and does not apply to the Palestinians, because the occupiers can not be racist, than let us look at the law as it is: Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights...”.The State of Israel does not live up to the standards according to article 1.
      In a 2010 report[7] eleven drafts were submitted to the Knesset for consideration followed by twelve in  
      2009 and by 2010 there were twenty one such laws submitted for the purpose of demoting Arab status and   
      reducing their rights. They include 1) Anyone denying the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic  
      state faces imprisonment, 2) Government support for student

[1] EAPPI Fact sheet available on the website

       [2] David Irving in his book Hitler’s War (Focal Point 1991) was accused of being anti-Semitic and faced 
           being arrested in Austria and Germany for “denying” the Holocaust.
[3] Some 250,000 Jews were kicked out of Spain and were given refuge within the Muslim north Africa
[4] US tax documents reveal $24.5 billion have been pumped into Jewish groups over a period of five years 
     by US donors. This does not include the US military financial aid amounting to $3Billion USD 
[5] Hagar was Abraham’s second wife, a black woman given as a gift by an Egyptian Pharoah
[6] Ethiopians are treated with contempt and labelled as “flasha”
[7] Maariv, 22 March, 2010

tuition fees is available only for those who serve in the Israeli Defence Forces, 3) An amendment of the Jerusalem Law so that Jerusalem is recognised as the capital of the Jewish people, 4) An amendment of the nationality law so that the Interior Minister has the right to revoke the citizenship of the people who violate allegiance to the state of Israel, 5) The Nakba Law, which makes it illegal for citizens inside Israel to organise demonstrations on the anniversary of the creation of the Palestinian refugee catastrophe, 6) The provision for harsher sanctions against Palestinian prisoners, particularly those who are members of Hamas, 7) The withdrawal of citizenship from those convicted of terrorism or spying, 8) The withdrawal of nationality and revocation of the right of citizenship, and denying the Arab Knesset Members who visited Libya and parliamentary immunity and other rights.
In early 2010 in a speech to the Knesset parliamentarian Shiekh Ibrahim Sarsour[1] commented on three religious legal opinions issued by Jewish rabbis, describing them as “fascist, extreme and insane” they include 1) a call to prevent Palestinians entering their own land, 2) The destruction of Palestinian’s olive trees, farm and vineyards, and the burning of Palestinian property, wherever it is located, and 3) The deliberate poisoning of Palestinian water sources and sabotage of Palestinian holy places.
If the EAPPI report is not significant enough to show violations of human rights then surely Israel’s own legislation is proof enough? Israel has deliberately pushed for an aggressive settlement in order for a long a term failure of the “Two State Solution”.[2]If one looks at the map of the West Bank there are autonomous areas of Palestinian and Israeli settlements all ring fenced by barbed wire, there is no way a viable peaceful separation is possible with a defined border for a state. Israel ignores any plea made by the international community to stop the settlements: in fact even the apartheid wall[3] is being financed by the World Bank[4] and as of recent “leaks” made by Al-Jazeera[5] it seems that Palestinian negotiators have not for whatever reason made an attempt to safe guard the interest of a viable “Two State” solution in the interest for the establishment of a State of Plaestine.
      If this is the position of the West Bank with whom Israel can do business than let us consider what happens  
      if the people choose to democratically elect a group to lead them as they did in the Gaza Strip.[6]

[2] Benny Morris One State, Two States (New York: Yale University Press 2009)  
[6] Gaza is an area only 365 km square with a population density of 4000 residence making it the worlds 
    most densely populated area.

Hamas was elected and the people of Gaza were punished. The twenty three days siege on Gaza was launched on December 27, 2008: The Israeli military launched attacks killing over 1,419 people and injuring over 5,300 more (with 70% estimated to be civilians), the highest death toll in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in decades. This includes 326 children, 111 women, 367 students, at least 15 teachers, 16 medical personnel, 21 farmers, 2 fishermen and 92 labourers.[1]Furthermore, “473 Palestinians were killed by missiles from Israeli fighter jets, 519 from unarmed drones, 92 by Israeli military helicopters, and 7 from Israeli warships.”[2]
Moreover, Human Rights Watch reported the Israeli use of white phosphorous shells over densely populated areas of Gaza, these weapons that were manufactured in the United States are evidence of War Crimes[3]. The destruction of Gaza was not just a matter of  human lives but residential areas, clinics, schools, mosques, and even the UNRWA headquarters. Over 50,000 Palestinians were displaced and according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights[4]2864 housing units were completely destroyed by the army shelling, affecting 19,592 Palestinians.
If the impact was not sever enough, Gaza is being choked from the basic needs it requires to “survive” because the Israeli government controls its water supply, electricity and basic imports of medicine and materials to build its infrastructure. It is inevitable that “humanity” would not stand still and would attempt to break this blockade  The Gaza flotilla raid also known as the flotilla incident of 31 May 2010, was a military attack by Israel against six ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" on May 31, 2010. This has caused an international incident and strained its relationship with its long standing ally Turkey.

[2] ibid


The suffering of the people of Palestine is an injustice to humanity caused by Israel and in the opinion of this author those who have politically and financially supported this double standard approach. At the time of writing this document the world is witnessing an awakening in the Middle East that was not even imaginable, it took the desperate action of one Tunisian man to set himself on fire to ignite the flame of freedom that is burning throughout the Arabia world. Hosni Mubarak stayed silent and refused to open the Gaza crossing in order not to displease his pay masters[1] and such tyrants have reached humiliating ends!Now (16.11.2012) Gaza is being attacked, some would argue its because an assassination  others would say rockets being shot at from Gaza, I would say its because of the up coming elections which Natanyahu needs to win, and maybe it will be his licence to attack Iran.) 
2014- the Horror repeats itself all because of Natanyahu, is not happy to see political factions of Gaza and West Bank uniting, 3 Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and shot dead by criminals, yet the careless Natanyahu condemns Hamas without proof, imprisons hundreds of people (this morning 13.7.14 a building full of disable people was indiscriminately bombed killing helpless human beings) in retaliation to the Israeli teenagers death, a Palestinian teenager was kidnapped from out side his home in Jerusalem, by Israeli Jews, who stabbed him and burnt his body. Yet Natanyahu, did not condemn this murder in the same way he did for Israeli teenagers, even when the Palestinian teenagers American cousin who was brutally beaten by the Israeli army only received lip service from the white house as "disturbing". The media in the west is so bias that everyone is fearful to mention any atrocity committed by the Israeli Defence Force. I fear as long fear every couple years I will be adding this paragraph as a record of the horror that is faced by the people of Palestine. Gaza is now Auschwitz, choked of any rights, humanity, life or dignity.  

You cannot suppress humanity with tyrannical rule nor can you use the suffering caused by others mainly in Europe to humiliate people who had nothing to do with the Nazi regime or Imperial agendas. Israel is a time bomb waiting to happen and it has used its political, military and financial might to ignore all cries for humanity and has ignored all international norms. It has to embrace justice and fairness and not become forgetful of the past; They should remember the actions of the second Caliph of Islam Umar, who with his own hands cleared and cleaned the dirt and filth from the “holiest of holies”[2] the sacred temple ruin used by the Christians as a dumping ground for their rubbish, a powerful Muslim leader at the time showing humility and leadership to the Jewish cousins. Palestinians and Jews have lived in harmony for many centuries and now the time has come for both parties to be sincere in their conduct with each other, which unfortunately if you look at the above situation in the West Bank, and the destruction of Gaza is not happening and if this carried on, this region will not have a happy ending. The international community is impotent and the USA is hypocritical. The only chivalrous voice was that of a Tunisian fruit seller who had enough of the oppression and tyranny of the regimes that have suppressed its people in the region for over fifty years, Gaddafi gone, Syria torn apart with Assad deluding himself, protest and discourse arising in the neighbourhood, one wonders what the coming years will bring. So can we afford to stay silent to the heart of the Middle East problems: Palestine. Bear these thoughts, “Evil Prevails when good men remain silent” said Edmund Burke. Silence is now broken and the world will be different in the age of the digital revolution. I just pray that innocent lives are spared, and a little truth can come out so we do not get mangled up in the media wars of lies and propaganda. The stage in Arabia is set for uncertainty unless human conscience prevails.

2014- Syria is still bleeding, ISIS a reaction to years of humiliation from an invading foreign power and its puppet the Maliki Government in Iraq. This is the ghost of Saddam Hussein and it will haunt the Land of Abraham in the coming months and years, and if ever there was a threat to Monarchs this would be such a force. It will either implode or continue, the fact that Natanyahu felt it was necessary for him to favour an independent Kurdistan, is proof if ISIS turns its attention towards Jordan and across the river, it could unite many of the sectarian factions and change the regions into a bloody killing field. Israel is only inviting this danger by  behaving like the Nazis towards the people of Palestine.... 

[1] US gives $1.5billion worth of Aid to the Egyptian Military and it rumoured the Mubarak’s family is 
    worth around $70 Billion after ruling 3 decades with an Iron fist suppressing the rights of the Egyptian 
[2] Dr Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi Umar ibn Al-Khattabhis Life & Times (ISBN 9960-9871-0-8)


Louise Althusser Lenin and Philosophy (London: Monthly Review Press 1971)

Avi Shlaim Israel and Palestine (London: Verso 2009)

David Taylor Mastering Economic and Social History (London: Macmillan 1st edn, 1998)

George Holmes The Oxford History of Medieval Europe (Oxford University Press 1992)

Dr Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi Umar ibn Al-Khattabh’s Life & Times (ISBN 9960-9871-0-8)

Sir Maurice Powicke The Thirteenth Century 1216- 1307(Oxford: Clarendon Press 2nd edn  
reprinted 1988)

Arthur Koestler The Thirteenth Tribe (ISBN 978-039440284-0)
 Ziauddin Sardar Orientalism (Open University Press 1999) Chap 2
 Elizabeth Hallam Chronicles of the Crusades (London: Guild Publishing 1989)

Karen Armstrong A History of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths (London: Harper Collins 1997)

Dan Cohn-Sherbok and Dawoud El-Alami The Palestine Israeli Conflict ( London: Oneworld

Alfred M. Lilienthal What Price Israel? ( New York:Infinity 2003)

David Irving in his book Hitler’s War (Focal Point 1991)

Benny Morris One State, Two States (New York: Yale University Press 2009) 

Edward W. Said Orientalism (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1978)

Sandercock, Sainath, McLaughlin, Khalili, Blincoe, Arraf and Andoni Peace under fire (London 
Verso: 2004)

Colin Chapman Whose Holy City (London: A lion Book 2004)

Robert Fisk The Great War for civilisation The Conquest of the Middle East (London: Harper 
Pernnial 2006)

Karen Armstrong A History of God (New York: Ballantine 1993)

David Livingstone & Sahib Bleher Surrendering Islam (London: Mustaqim 2010)

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